My Country - Maggie Yilpi - Clayfire Gallery Daylesford Art Gallery

My Country - origianl artwork by Maggie Yilpi

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Maggie Yilpi is from Watarru in the Pitjantjatjarra lands of South Australia, approx 550kms south of Alice Springs.

A mother of five children, Maggie Yilpi did not begin to paint until after her children became teenagers. Her husband was a traditional man and made boomerangs and spears for the tribe.

Maggie Yilpi paints several stories including seven sisters, rockhole, and witchetty grub. Maggie currently resides in Alice Springs. Maggie is also an avid weaver and when not painting she uses her craft skills to produce wonderful hand woven animals made from raffia and wool.

acrylic on Belgian Linen

95 x 154cm