Leigha White

Leigha White is an artist living and working in Northern Central Victoria. She studied printmaking at Sydney College of the Arts in the late 90’s and has been exhibiting paintings and collaborating with printmakers for the past 20 years.


Her personal philosophy as an artist is to pay no attention to restraint.

White’s work is very much an extension of herself, interests and personality. It is often a portrayal of life captured in a moment of time, distorted through her lens. People tend to rationalise the meaning of an artwork by interpreting emotions and clues. These assumptions lead to a narrative and White encourages this process by manipulating a composition to seem a certain way.

White often paints urban landscapes that can be recognised in a time and place. She also has a love of portraiture and has had the pleasure of painting many notable Australians. Her portraits set the scene of a subject and reveal their character through their expression and surroundings.

Her strong affinity with the painting medium is in a large part due to the freedom it gives her to explore and expand techniques without conventional limits. Training as a printmaker has deeply influenced the way she paints.



Permanent Collections

Exchange Partners in Print - Printmakers Exchange

Australian Print Council

University of West England Bristol, UK

Limerick Print Workshop, Ireland

National Gallery of Australia

Edinburgh Print Workshop, Scotland

Castlemaine Regional Gallery, Australia

London Print Studios, UK

Belfast Print Workshop, Ireland

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Australia